Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I am always a fan of taking the parties that come to our restaurant. Most people bolt, beg, plead, whine, and flip out at the greeter when they start pulling tables together for a party larger than 8. While yes... there is the plausibility of getting a terrible table (wild teens, a disrespectful table, a birthday party for an  8 year-old... cuz THAT always turns out awful, etc.) One of the first nights of serving ever I ended up with a very large party. Probably between 18-22. It was a young girl's birthday and the table was siblings, friends, and a few random family members. They had brought their own cake (usually not allowed, but sometimes it's hard to say no) and as they were cutting up the pieces and handing them out, a piece of cake was flung at me and landed on my forearm. The room, no joke, went silent. Nobody knew what to do... and neither did I. Finally someone walked up to me with some napkins, and instead of wiping myself off, I went to the floor to pick up the mess. I wasn't mad, upset, hurt. I was just confused. What is a new server supposed to do in this situation? Is there a protocol? A rule book I should be following? Needless to say the mother walked up to me, handed me a $20, and said "don't worry, we'll tip you as well." I was like... okay wow. Throw cake at me daily if this is the reward!

Like I said...I like to take my chances. Take a few risks. Which is what I did last night. Table of 17? No problem. Piece of cake.

It was a celebration for a 26-year old (hmm... that'll be ME in a few short months) and it looked like family members. From the elder generation, to the newborns, they were all over the place. Lucky for me everyone could hear well, speak loud, and was more than patient. I even had the birthday boy himself thank me for my outstanding service. I don't think it was OUTSTANDING, but again.. it shows that the parties are worth it.

Unfortunately my tables were all pretty much lackluster last night. There were the few regulars, with one in particular who brought his four year-old daughter in. He told me her name was Charlie, and Charlie then proceeded to try to DRINK the salt out of the salt container. Oh. My. Lord. For sanitary issues, that's just nasty... but to try to drink it? Did you think it was sugar kid? That somehow that white powdery stuff would magically turn into something tasty? You, dear Charlie, are weird. Just so you know well in advance.

A few days ago ( I think this will tickle your fancy) we had a guest seat themselves at the bar rail. Our bartender is known for being vulgar, crass, lewd, but it's usually pretty funny. She's a treat to say the least. At any rate the story goes she was talking about vaginas (can't even begin to answer the question as to why...) and this man at the rail was completely outraged and felt disrespected. Uh... Okay? You don't have a vagina, and you probably LIKE vagina, so what's the problem? He was so infuriated that he left a long note about his anger, then grabbed the manager and made the manager walk with him to the exit. Settle down cowboy. Is this something that'd set you off? I mean it IS a bar and grill, you ARE in the bar, what are you expecting? A coloring book and crown? This aint (yep I said AINT) Chuck-e-Cheese.

Thanks for stopping by!
Always, your server

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